Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Thursday, 15 July, 2010 --- Day 24


I was up by 7:30, got ready in a hurry and rushed downstairs. Spithas was patiently waiting for me in his box. At this point I would like to take the opportunity and dedicate a couple of lines to personally thank Spithas for all he has done for me during the past 25 days, for his cooperation, his leadership, his endurance, his patience, his companionship, and finally for the understanding he demonstrated. Without a single sigh of discomfort he accepted to be put in a box and then loaded to the hull of a plane w/ all the luggage. Spithas thank you for everything!!!

It took me half an hour to carry the Spithas box to the subway station. When I got there I waited on the line to buy the ticket. The lady in the booth was the same one that had given me info late last night. She was there late last night and early this morning. It came as a natural question to ask her if she lived in the booth. She actually remembered me and asked me if everything went right. It took half an hour to the airport. The airport was small and it was easy to navigate oneself. I was actually early. The flight was at 13:00, I arrived at 10:00 and had to wait till 11:20 for the counters to open and start checking people in. I took the opportunity and took a couple of pictures. My only negative criticism of Valencia is that a city of the stature and beauty of Valencia deserves a better airport.

Spithas in the box and I at the airport

Pictures of the airport

When the time came I proceeded to the counter. When the girl saw the box asked me what was in it and I told her that it was Spithas and then explained that I meant my bike. The supervisor (jefa de la escala) approached and in a very unfriendly tone said “you will have to pay for this.” “You are probably mistaken” I told her, “I flew to Casablanca w/ Al Italia and they did not charge anything extra for carrying a bike.” I continued “I have flown numerous times with Spithas on other airlines as well and it is the first time that someone wants to charge extra.” “I do not care mister” she said, “either you pay or I will call the police and you will miss the flight.” They gave me an excess baggage ticket and I went to the offices of Al Italia where I made the payment. The “jefa” did not even let me leave Spithas at the counter, so, I had to carry him with me back and forth. When Spithas was checked in, I asked to see “jefa’s” ID. She said she was busy w/ customers and I would have to wait. I pointed out that I was also a customer and deserved similar attention. She nodded that she did not care. After she was through w/ the customers she was “attending” I repeated my request only to get the same answer back. I waited for a little longer and when I saw that the envelop was not getting any further, I left and went to find the police. Soon I was back with two policemen. The “jefa” seemed nervous and rather than just show her ID she started telling the police “he did not want to pay,” pointing at me. “Lady I don’t care what you say, all I need you to do is show me your ID” I said. The “jefa” waived the ID card before my eyes and when I told her that this did not give time to copy any of the info she waived it again. I turned to the policeman who said “she did show her ID it to you.” As expected, the police took the side of their pals as best as they could. While this was happening the “jefa” said loud to the policemen so I could hear it “it is within my power to stop him from flying, if I choose to do so.” Finally I managed to extract her name and the number 1318 which was in the middle of the ID. After that I left. I must say that all this time I was thinking of Mostafa’s experience which made me really careful in what I said and how I said it.

In addition, as the whole incident was going on the two fellow Greeks that I had met yesterday had also arrived at the airport. We were evidently all flying Al Italia to Greece. They went out to smoke and I met them again at gate waiting to board.

We boarded w/ no further incident other than a one hour delay. We all went to our seats but as the seats were not that far apart we managed to carry a conversation and agreed to go to the city of Rome during the seven hour layover. Another passenger, Grigoris, also said he would join us.

Costas had been to Rome before and knew the whereabouts. So, once they checked their hand luggage at Fiumicino, we hired a cab and at Costas’s suggestion drove us to “piazza di Espania.”

The cabbie was very friendly, he told us that he had just returned from a trip to Greece and at his suggestion we agreed that he would pick us up at the piazza at 19:30, local time.

From piazza di Espania we walked to “Fontana di Trevi.”

We went to a nearby café where we had a couple of beers. After that walked back to piazza di Espania and from there to another very beautiful piazza whose name escaped me.

Time flies and as my companions were hungry we sat at a pizza place to eat something then walked back to Piazza di Espania where my namesake treated us to a coffee at the famous Café Greco.

The cabdriver was in time so by 19:30 we were driving to the airport. He actually took a longer way back so that we could see some extra sights.


As the tour was drawing to an end, we hit heavy traffic but the cab driver in a very cool tone told us not to worry and actually we beat the traffic w/ some of his magic tricks. I do not know how but we ended up ahead of everybody and made it well in time.

We boarded w/o incident other than one hour delay and arrived in Athens at 2:30 in the morning.

Spithas was there waiting for me and that allayed my fears that he might have been sent to Africa or Asia, instead of Athens, by that deranged lady with whom you’ve only watched one episode and there are plenty more to come.

CIRCUMBIKATION-03 was officially over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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